Friday, 14 March 2014

Submission of display boards - Senior School

This is to inform all Senior School students that all display boards should be submitted by Tuesday, 18th March, 2014.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Submission of display board

For Middle School Students

Deadline for the submission of Project display board is the 19th of March. 5 points will be deducted from every displayed board not submitted on the stated date.

Hello second graders!

Below is the list of projects assigned for science fair and samples of such projects. Remember to be as creative as possible.  

Models: You need to label all the parts

Eye - Riya
Ear - Onyinye
Tongue - Naser
Skin - Esmeralda

Monday, 3 March 2014

American Christian Academy Junior School Science Fair                                     Scoring Rubric            

Project Number _____________________    Judge Name/Initials: _________________________    

List Score Here
Meeting Requirements

§  Meets very few of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Meets many of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Meets all of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Display does not look like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work does not contain relevant information.

§  Display looks somewhat like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work contains some relevant information.

§  Display does look like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work does contain relevant information.

Neatness and Effort

§  The student clearly did not put effort into project.
§  Work is sloppy, hard to read, and disorganized.
§  No attention to detail

§  The student put some effort into project.
§  Work is fairly neat, readable, and fairly well-organized.
§  Minor attention to detail

§  The student clearly put lots of effort into project.
§  Work is neat, clean, easy to read, very well-organized.
§  Significant attention to detail

Level of Student Involvement

§  Display shows a
low amount or no involvement by the students in the procedure.

§  Display shows a medium amount of involvement by the students in the procedure.

§  Display shows a
high amount of involvement by the students in the procedure.


§  Project shows a
low amount
of creativity.

§  Project shows a
medium amount of creativity.

§  Project shows a
high amount of creativity.

Submission Date
§  Project was submitted after March 17th.
§  Project was submitted in full* by March 17th.
§  Project was submitted in full* by March 14th.


    Project Score _______/30

*Incomplete projects will not be accepted.  They will be sent back home to be finished.