Monday, 3 March 2014

American Christian Academy Junior School Science Fair                                     Scoring Rubric            

Project Number _____________________    Judge Name/Initials: _________________________    

List Score Here
Meeting Requirements

§  Meets very few of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Meets many of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Meets all of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Display does not look like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work does not contain relevant information.

§  Display looks somewhat like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work contains some relevant information.

§  Display does look like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work does contain relevant information.

Neatness and Effort

§  The student clearly did not put effort into project.
§  Work is sloppy, hard to read, and disorganized.
§  No attention to detail

§  The student put some effort into project.
§  Work is fairly neat, readable, and fairly well-organized.
§  Minor attention to detail

§  The student clearly put lots of effort into project.
§  Work is neat, clean, easy to read, very well-organized.
§  Significant attention to detail

Level of Student Involvement

§  Display shows a
low amount or no involvement by the students in the procedure.

§  Display shows a medium amount of involvement by the students in the procedure.

§  Display shows a
high amount of involvement by the students in the procedure.


§  Project shows a
low amount
of creativity.

§  Project shows a
medium amount of creativity.

§  Project shows a
high amount of creativity.

Submission Date
§  Project was submitted after March 17th.
§  Project was submitted in full* by March 17th.
§  Project was submitted in full* by March 14th.


    Project Score _______/30

*Incomplete projects will not be accepted.  They will be sent back home to be finished.