Junior School

Performance Announcement!
     All Junior Schoolers will be performing the following song at the Science Fair.  We encourage you to listen and practice at home!

You breathe in air
It goes down there
Into your lungs, yeah, you have a pair 
Now to your blood, the oxygen
The heart muscle pumps it to your organs

They couldn’t do without each other
Cuz your body acts as one system

You eat some food
It’s tastin’ good
Now down the tube to your stomach and small intestine
Where it digests
And passes through
It’s taken up by your veins and arteries
To all the organs in your body that need some energy

You stand up tall
You rarely fall
Cuz there’s bones inside it all
Your skeleton is made of bones
And ligaments connect them all
You know your body wouldn’t stand up if you didn’t have a skeleton

Oh silly me
Almost forgot
The most important little part
Is in your head
Controls it all
It’s called your brain, if I recall
Yes, your brain makes it possible for you to live right now at all

Hello Second Graders
Below is the list of projects assigned for science fair and samples of such projects. Remember to be as creative as possible.  

Pick a sense organ [ear, eye, nose, tongue, skin] and make a model of it. Though it can be 2-d or 3-d, you have to include all the parts of the organ. 
Eye Riya
Ear Onyinye
Tongue - Naser
Skin - Esmeralda

Pick one of the following questions to answer and write a 2-5 paragraph paper. Your paper should be typed out and attached to a cardboard. You should also include some pictures on the cardboard.
1] How has technology helped people improve their senses?
2] How are fingerprints useful?
3] How does a particular sense help to protect people? [You can pick one of the senses].
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 14pt
Paper size: A4

Towo How does the ear help to protect people?
Grace How has technology helped improve our senses?
Fiyin How are fingerprints useful?
Naomi How does the skin help to protect people?
Oludee How do the eyes/tongue help to protect people?
Daniel Hoe does the nose help to protect people?

You can use these rubric to check the standard of your work
Opening: The introduction is inviting and states the main topic.
Closing: Closing sums up the report.
Research: Has 3 or more paragraphs of accurately reported facts. Covers all of the appropriate topics.
Organization: Details are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interest of the reader.
Facts: Only facts are included
Elaborating: All special words are explained.
Spelling and Grammar: Perfect.
Presentation: Neat, legible, and well organized presentation

Pick a sense organ, [ear, eye, nose, tongue, skin] conduct an experiment to investigate how it works, and record your findings on a cardboard. Your experiment should include 1] the problem/question 2] hypothesis 3] materials                  4] experiment/method 5] conclusion. See p.177-178 for a sample experiment.
Laughter skin
Judah nose
Fawaz tongue
Olusola eye

American Christian Academy Junior School Science Fair                                     Scoring Rubric            

Project Number _____________________    Judge Name/Initials: _________________________    

List Score Here
Meeting Requirements

§  Meets very few of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Meets many of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Meets all of the requirements provided by the teacher.

§  Display does not look like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work does not contain relevant information.

§  Display looks somewhat like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work contains some relevant information.

§  Display does look like what it is supposed to represent.
§  Written work does contain relevant information.

Neatness and Effort

§  The student clearly did not put effort into project.
§  Work is sloppy, hard to read, and disorganized.
§  No attention to detail

§  The student put some effort into project.
§  Work is fairly neat, readable, and fairly well-organized.
§  Minor attention to detail

§  The student clearly put lots of effort into project.
§  Work is neat, clean, easy to read, very well-organized.
§  Significant attention to detail

Level of Student Involvement

§  Display shows a
low amount or no involvement by the students in the procedure.

§  Display shows a medium amount of involvement by the students in the procedure.

§  Display shows a
high amount of involvement by the students in the procedure.


§  Project shows a
low amount
of creativity.

§  Project shows a
medium amount of creativity.

§  Project shows a
high amount of creativity.

Submission Date
§  Project was submitted after March 17th.
§  Project was submitted in full* by March 17th.
§  Project was submitted in full* by March 14th.


   Project Score _______/30

*Incomplete projects will not be accepted.  They will be sent back home to be finished.

Hello Parents of First Graders!
*See what project you were assigned below*
This year’s science fair is on Friday, March 21st. The theme for Jr. School is “The Human Body.”   First grade will be focusing on teeth, the digestive system, and nutrition.  Your child is required to pick one of the projects listed below. To avoid having duplicate projects, your child must sign up for one.  Please write down your top choices and I will do my best to assign a project that you will enjoy.  These projects will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis, so please return this paper as soon as possible.  If you have another idea for a project I would be excited to hear it and am open to having your child complete that project instead.  All projects will be due on Friday, March 14th.

Project 1: Digestive System Model

For this project, students are encouraged to be creative and use everyday materials to make a model of the digestive system.  The model must be at least  46x76 cm.  Students must include the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines, but are welcome to include more organs.  Make sure every part is labeled!  Please include a short description in your best handwriting of how food travels through the organs in the model.  Five sentences will be fine.  Here are some pictures to inspire you:

Project 2: Dentist Interview

For this project, students must interview a dentist.  They can go to an actual dentist office or, if you know someone who is a dentist, they can interview them.  Write 4-6 introductory sentences about where the dentist office is and what you see when you arrive.  Ask the dentist the following questions about their job and record their answers.
·         How long did you go to school to become a dentist?
·         Why did you decide to be a dentist?
·         Have you always wanted to be a dentist?
·         What kinds of things do you do every day?
·         What is your favorite part of your job?
·         And any other questions you would like to ask!

Take a picture with the dentist and print it out to turn in with your questions and answers.  I am very willing to assist any student who is assigned with project with addresses for dental offices and a questionnaire sheet.

Project 3: Digestive-wear!

                For this project, students must paint, sew, or otherwise alter a t-shirt or apron to represent the digestive system and where is it located in their body.  The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines must be pictured, but you are welcome to include more organs.  Please be sure that your student can actually wear the article of clothing to the science fair. Use your imaginations!  Please include a short explanation telling how food travels through the digestive system. Five sentences will be fine.

Project 4: A Nutritious Day
                For this project, students write down everything they eat and drink (even snacks!)  over the course of one day in a food log.  They must assist in the planning and cooking of at least one of the meals.  This meal must include vegetables, fruit, grain, and protein in the proportions recommended by the plate image below.  Take a photo of a properly arranged plate and print it to accompany the food log and a short description of what you prepared for the meal.  Feel free to include pictures of any other steps of the process like cooking and eating as a family too!

First Grade Project Assignments

Digestive System Model: Tolu, Ara, Adey, Mishti
Dentist Interview: Razan, Tioluwa, Inioluwa, Ninilade
Digestive-wear: Damilola, Priyanshu, Karam, Ghadia, David
A Nutritious Day: Agnes, Korede, Dov, Harshit


                                    Hello second graders!

Below is the list of projects assigned for science fair and samples of such projects. Remember to be as creative as possible.  

Models: You need to label all the parts

Eye - Riya
Ear - Onyinye
Tongue - Naser
Skin - Esmeralda


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