Monday, 3 February 2014

Rubric for Grading


Research Questions
Wrote thoughtful, creative, well-worded, specific questions that were relevant to the assigned topic.

Wrote well-worded, specific questions that were relevant to the assigned topic.
Wrote questions which lacked focus, were poorly stated, and were not entirely relevant to the assigned topic.
Wrote questions which lacked a specific focus, were poorly stated, and not relevant to the assigned topic.

Organization & Synthesis
Presented content clearly and concisely with a logical progression of ideas and effective supporting evidence.
Presented most of the content with a logical progression of ideas and supporting evidence.
Presented content which failed to maintain a consistent focus, showed minimal organization and effort, and lacked an adequate amount of supporting evidence.

Presented content which was unfocused, poorly organized, showed little thought or effort and lacked supporting evidence.

Results of Investigation
Wrote notes including succinct key facts which directly answered all of the research questions and were written in the student’s own words.
Wrote notes which included facts that answered most of the research questions and were written in the student’s own words.
Wrote notes which included irrelevant facts which did not answer the research questions. Some notes were copied directly from the original source.

Wrote notes which included a majority of facts which did not answer the research questions. Most or all notes were copied word-for-word from the original source.

Visual Presentation
The display is very attractive, extremely neat (no glue or tape showing) and completely free of spelling errors.

The display is fairly attractive, neat (no glue or tape showing) and mostly free of spelling errors.

The display is relatively neat and mostly free of spelling errors.

The display is legible.

Oral Presentation

Presented all information in a clear and organized way.

Presented most of the information in a clear and organized way.
Presented information which was poorly organized or was difficult to understand some of the time.

Presented information which was poorly organized and hard to understand.
Total ----->

Handout for Participation


General Information

Hello everyone:

Welcome to the second semester!

 Hope you are all excited that it is time for our Science Fair program.

This time students are allowed to work individually and in groups.

 A couple of things to do:

 1. Project Topic:

                  - decide on your project topic.
                  - the sites/links below could be of help



                  - you could also seek the advice of any of the science teachers if you are still unsure of 

                     what to do.

2. Display Board:

                 - As you collect information for your display board, make sure that the items featured
                   in the sample display board below should be part of your presentation.